GS History Modern India

Consider the following statements regarding the Muslim League.

1. The all India Muslim League was formed in 1906 at the Dacca educational conference.

2. The league was the logical culmination of the Aligarh movement started by Syed Ahmed Khan.

3. The London branch of the league was founded in 1908 which played a decisive role in the Morley-Minto reforms.

Which of the statement(s) given above is/are correct?


Statement 1 is correct. In 1906, the All-India Muslim League was founded at Dhaka by a lobby of big Zamindars, ex-bureaucrats, and upper class Muslims. Aga Khan III was its first Honorary President. 

Statement 2 is incorrect. The league was not the logical culmination of the Aligarh movement started by Syed Ahmed Khan. 

  • The seeds of Muslim communalism were sown by Syed Ahmed Khan, who remained loyal to the British in 1857 mutiny. He was suspicious of the Indian National Movement under Congress and called the Muslims to remain loyal to the British Raj. He was of the belief that the Muslim share in administrative posts and in various professions could be increased if Muslims are imparted modern education. For this purpose he needed protection of the British and so he projected the British loyalty as safeguards to the interests of the Indian Muslims. However, he did not create a political organization to counter the Indian National Congress and suggested the Indian Muslims to remain passive, politically. 

Statement 3 is correct. It was being felt from the beginning that the All India Muslim League would not achieve considerable success without winning the British Public opinion to its side. Therefore, Syed Ameer Ali organized the branch of Muslim league at London. The inaugural meeting was held on 6th May 1908, at London Caxton Hall. It was participated by the Muslim and those British people who favored their view point. 

  • There come into being a political body which was to play a decisive role in the destiny of the Muslim peoples of the Indian sub-continent. The day the Muslim delegation won recognition of the demand of separate electorate, the course of the Muslim freedom struggle was charted. It was the beginning of the growth of Muslim national consciousness. 
  • After the acceptance of the demand of separate representation in the Minto-Morely reforms, it was common sense to have political party to fight elections for Muslim representation. 

Thus, Option A is Correct

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