GS History Modern India

Consider the following statements regarding Second World War and nationalist response:

1. Mahatma Gandhi advocated an unconditional support to the Allied powers as he made clear distinction between democratic states and totalitarian states.

2. Subhash Chandra Bose was in favour of taking advantage of Britain’s difficulties during the Second World War.

3. Jawaharlal Nehru recognized the imperialist nature of the war and wanted to start a mass movement to dislodge colonialism.

Which of the statement(s) given above is/are incorrect?


Statement 1 is correct.

Statement 2 is also correct: Subhash Chandra Bose and other socialists argued that the Second World War was an imperialist one since both sides were fighting for gaining or defending colonial territories. They argued that advantage should be taken of the situation to wrest freedom by immediately starting a civil disobedience movement.

Statement 3 is incorrect. Nehru thought that the war was the result of inner contradictions of capitalism. Therefore, he advocated no Indian participation till India was free. At the same time, he was against taking advantage of the difficult situation faced by the British.

Thus, Option B is Correct

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