GS History Modern India

In 1893- Champaner, Bhuvan enters into a wager with British administration to play a cricket match. If he lost the entire village had to pay 3 times the amount of normal taxes and if he won the village would not pay any tax for 3 years. The entire village was drawn into the wager because the land was jointly owned by a collective body of village. Which of the following inferences can be made?

1. Champaner was under Mahalwari system of Land tenure.

2. Champaner was under Ryotwari system of Land tenure.

3. Champaner was most likely to be a village in present day UP, Punjab or Haryana.

4. Champaner was most likely a village in present day Maharashtra or Tamil Nadu.

Select the correct answer using the code given below.

  • It was under the mahalwari system that a village collective body was responsible to the Government for collection of revenues and the entire village jointly owned the land. It was found mostly in UP, Punjab and Haryana (Please note Champaner is a city in Gujarat).

Thus, Option A is Correct.

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