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The smallest ocean is:
In which two layers of the Earth does the “The Gutenberg Discontinuity” lies?
Among the following, the celestial body farthest from the Earth is:
A biome is:
If speed of rotation of the earth increases, the weight of the body:
Which of the following is a typical feature of river erosion in youthful stage?
Consider the following statements with reference to ‘Blue Stragglers’:
1. It is a class of stars on globular clusters that is smaller than the rest of the stars.
2. They are formed through the mass transfer from a close binary companion star and through collision of two stars.
3. The Milky Way's largest and brightest globular is Omega Centauri.
Which of the statements given above is/are NOT correct?
The Grand Canyon is located on the:
Which among the following imaginary line lies at 0° latitudes?
Recharging of water table depends on: