GS History Modern India

Consider the following pairs about Jain Classification of all living beings:

Jain Classification

Living beings

1. Beindriya Jiva

shells, worms, insects

2. Treindriya Jiva

bugs, lice, white ants

3. Chaurindriya Jiva

scorpions, crickets, spiders

4. Panchendriya Jiva

human beings, cow, lions

Which of the pair(s) given above is/are correctly matched?


Jïvas are classified into two categories:- Based on mobility, all Jivas in Jainism are divided into two broad categories:

A) non-mobile or Sthavar Jiva - those that cannot move and have only one sense.

B) Mobile or Trasa jiva - those that can move and have two to five senses.

Thus, Option D is Correct

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