GS History Modern India

Consider the following statements :

1. Aurangazeb patronized Naqshbandi order.

2. Dara Shiko patronized Qadri Order.

Which of the statement(s) given above is/are correct?

  • The Naqshbandi Silsila is one of the Sufi orders that claims to trace its direct spiritual lineage/chain (silsilah) to the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him), through Harzat Abu Bakr Siddique, the first caliph. In contrast, other Sufi orders (turuq) trace their lineage through Hazrat Ali, the fourth caliph. The lineage is not tied to a country, family or political appointment, but is a direct heart to heart transmission. It is also considered that the appointed sheikh will be in some communication with past sheikhs. At one time, there will of course be many other sheikhs, who owe their bay'ah "spiritual allegiance" to the current master of the silsilah. The name has changed over the years. Originally called "al- Siddiqiyya", around the times of Hazrat Bayazeed al-Bistami to Hazrat Abdul Khaliq al-Ghijdawani it was called al-Tayfuriyya, and from the times of Hazrat 'Abdul Khaliq al-Ghijdawani up to Shah Naqshband it was called the "Khwajagaan". From the time of Sayyed Bahauddin Shah Naqshband it has been called Naqshbandiyah Silsilah.
  • Qadiriyyah (also transliterated Kadri, Elkadry, Kadray, Qadiri or Qadri), is one of the oldest Sufi tariqas. It derives its name from Abdul- Qadir Gilani (radi Allah anhu) (also transliterated as "Jil lani" or "Jailani" and "Jilali" in the Maghreb) AH 470 (1077-1166), a native of the Iranian province of Gilan. In 1134 he was made principal of a Sunni Hanbalite school in Baghdad. His contribution and renown in the sciences of Sufism and Sharia was so immense that he became known as the spiritual pole of his time, al-Gauth al Azam (the "Supreme Helper" or the "Mightiest Succor"). His writings were similar to those of al-Ghazali in that they dealt with both the fundamentals of Islam and the mystical experience of Sufism. The Order is the most widespread of the Sufi Orders in the Islamic world and can be found in Afghanistan, India, Bangladesh, Pakistan, Turkey, the Balkans, China, as well as much of the East and West Africa, like Morocco.

Thus, Option C is Correct.

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