With reference to 28 months of Congress Rule in provinces (in late 1930s) consider the following statements :
1. Agrarian structure was drastically changed by abolishing Zamindari in some provinces.
2. Administrative work by Indians weakened the myth that Indians were not fit to rule.
3. Congress ministries resigned in 1939 because they were facing various hurdles in passing legislation and implementing them.
which of the statement(s) given above is/are not correct?
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In the context of Indian National movement, the term Hali system refers to what?
Which of the following is/are incorrect regarding the British army before 1857?
1. Sepoys refused to fight in Burma because crossing the sea was meant loss of caste.
2. The British Army employed Sepoys from all the castes so that they could maintain large Army & avoid any discrimination.
3. It was considered prestigious to be in the service of the company and Sepoys were happy with emoluments.
Select the correct answer using the codes given below.
Which among the following is/are correct about the "Factories" setup by East India Company in India?
1. These were centres of manufacturing activity.
2. These were fortified areas within which warehouse and offices were located.
Select the correct answers using code given below.
Consider the following statement in the context of Gandhi’s Harijan campaign-
1. Gandhi set up All India Anti-Untouchability League in September 1932, when he was released from Jail.
2. A weekly Harijan was started by him to boost his anti-untouchability campaign.
3. Throughout his campaign he was welcomed by every section by the Hindu Society.
4. The Government defeated the Temple Entry Bill in 1934.
Which of the statements given above are not correct?
In September 1920, a special session of Congress was convened. Which of the following resolutions were passed in this session?
1. It launched Non-Cooperation movement against British attitude towards Khilafat issue.
2. It protested against the failure of the government to punish the officers guilty of Jalliawala Bagh massacre.
3. To attain the Swaraj within one year.
4. To boycott the council elections which were scheduled for November 1920 after the acceptance of Montford Reforms.
Select the correct answer using the code given below.
With reference to temple entry movement in Kerala, consider the following statements:
1. Gandhiji took a tour in Kerala in support of this movement.
2. Many higher caste Hindus' organizations supported temple entry movement in Kerala.
Which of the statement(s) given above is/are correct?
Consider the following pairs:
List-I (Social Reformer Reforms) | List-II (Associated with) |
1. Jyotiba Phule | Started Bethune school for girl's education |
2. Dadabhai Naroji | Professed legal status and heritance rights for Parsi women |
3. Bal Shastri Jambekar | Attacked Brahmanical orthodoxy |
The correct chronological sequence of the above event is:
Which of the following is not correct?
Who among the following Mughal emperors persecuted Sikhism?
Which of the following statements regarding the Sikh Reform Movements is/are correct?
1. The Singh Sabha Movement established a network of Khalsa schools to promote Western Education.
2. Akali movement was aimed at liberating the Sikh gurudwaras from the control of corrupt mahants.
Select the correct answer using the code given below.