GS History Modern India

Which of the following statement(s) is/are correct regarding the development of Local Self Government during the British period?

1. The Royal Commission on Decentralization (1907) recognized the importance of Panchayats at the village level.

2. The Government of India Act, 1919 brought local self-government as a provincial transferred subject.

3. The Simon Commission suggested giving more autonomy to local governments.

Select the correct answer using the codes given below.


Statement 3 is incorrect. The Simon Commission of 1930, reversed the process of decentralization, by recommending strict control of the state over local bodies.

  • The first phase may be assumed to have ended in 1882, when Lord Ripon issued his well-known resolution on local self-government.
  • The second phase covers developments from 1882 to 1919, when more powers were transferred from the centre to the provinces, and the recommendations of the Decentralisation Commission of 1907, besides discussing other matters, suggested some changes in local self-government.
  • The third phase extended up to 1935, during which the Indian Taxation Enquiry Committee (1925) considered the problems of local taxation, along with central and provincial finances.

Thus, Option A is Correct.

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