Which among the following statements is/are correct with respect to the acceptance of office by congress in provinces in 1937- 39?
1. Congress formed ministries in all the provinces.
2. Mahatma Gandhi never supported the acceptance of ministries by congress members.
3. Provincial Governments were formed as per the proposals of Government of India Act, 1935.
Select the correct answer using the code given below.
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Consider the following statements about the fallouts of the Battle of Plassey.
1. The company got the right to free trade in Bengal, Bihar and Orissa.
2. The French were no longer a significant power in Bengal.
3. Private trades of british merchants were still taxed.
Select the correct answer using codes given below. Which of the statements given above are correct?
How many Mughal provinces were there under Akbar and Aurangazeb respectively?
Gandhi exhorted Indian people to practice 5 virtues during the post-non-cooperation phase, which were to be achieved by non-violent methods. Which of the following was/were among them?
1. Spinning
2. Boycott of foreign goods
3. Sobriety (non-consumption of alcohol or opium)
4. Hindu-Muslim amity
5. Equality for women
Choose the correct answer from the code given
Which among the following dynasty never patronized Jainism?
Which of the following pair is not correct?
1. Shore temple : Pallavas
2. Kailasa temple: Rashtrakutas
3. Khajuraho temples : Chandellas
Which among the following were the reasons for the restrictions on Indian immigration into Canada in 1908 which lead to Komagata Maru incident?
1. Resentment of Native American labourers against Indian labourers who offered competition.
2. Apprehension of British officials that familiarity of Indians with Whites was not good for British prestige.
3. British were apprehensive that Indians would come under influence of socialist ideas.
Select the correct answer using the code given below.
After the grant of Diwani in 1765, British first came in conflict with which of the following mountain tribes?
With reference to the condition of agriculture prevailing during British Rule, consider the following statements:
1. Realizing the major source of revenue from agriculture, British administration prioritized irrigation development and public works department.
2. Inorganic fertilizers and organic manure were widely used.
3. British economic policies lead to subdivision and fragmentation of land.
Which of the statement(s) given above is/are correct?
Which of the following statements is not correct?
Which of the following factors is/are responsible for the spread of Nationalism in India in 19th century?
1. Rise of western thought and education
2. Growth of nationalist newspapers
3. Improved transport and communication links
Select the correct answer using the code given below.