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Tropical storm in Chinese Sea is known as–
The pole star indicates which direction?
Which of the following statements is/are correct about Ocean Currents?
1. Gravitational pull of the Earth is responsible for the activation of Cold currents.
2. The rotation of the Earth stimulates warm currents.
3. The ‘West Wind drift’ is the largest current among all and is a type of circumpolar current.
Select the correct statements using the codes given below:
Which one of the following does not cause soil erosion?
Sea water is saltier than rain water because:
The method of soil conservation in which stones, grass, soil is used to build barriers along contours and trenches are made in front of the barriers to collect water is called?
Approximately what is the normal rate of temperature rise with depth from the surface of the Earth to the interior of the Earth?
The Tropic of Cancer does not pass through:
Consider the following statements with reference to ‘Blue Stragglers’:
1. It is a class of stars on globular clusters that is smaller than the rest of the stars.
2. They are formed through the mass transfer from a close binary companion star and through collision of two stars.
3. The Milky Way's largest and brightest globular is Omega Centauri.
Which of the statements given above is/are NOT correct?
Mountain soil contains a lot of—