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The main source of usable water on the Earth is:
Name the first Asian country to Orbit Mars:
The angle between the magnetic meridian and the geographical meridian at a place is:
Waves approaching the shore is known as:
The soil which originate under tall-grass prairie vegetation is called:
A drainage pattern where a river is joined by its tributaries approximately at right angles is______
Consider the following statements about ‘Meandering’:
1. Meandering is an important feature of upper course of a river that is characterized by intensive erosion and vertical cliffs with a concave slope.
2. The physiographical features associated with meandering process are oxbow lake, levee deposits and backswamp.
Which of the statements given above is/are correct?
Which among the following is a cold-dry wind?
With reference to the ‘Continental Shelf’, consider the following statements:
1. Legally, it is the stretch of the seabed adjacent to the shores of a particular country to which it belongs.
2. Canyons and trenches are observed in this region.
3. Fossil fuels and metallic nodules are found in the continental shelves.
Which of the statements given above is/are correct?
The word ‘dendritic’ is associated with—