GS History Modern India

Consider the followings with respect to the era of Balban:

1. The empire was completely free from robbery and dacoities

2. To emphasise that the nobles were equal to the king, he abolished the ceremonies of sijada and paibos

Which of the statement(s) given above is/are correct?

  • The law and order situation in the area around Delhi and in the doab had deteriorated. In the Ganga-Jamuna doab and Awadh, roads were, poor and were infested with robbers and Dacoits, The Mewatis had become so bold as to plunder people Up to the outskirts of Delhi. To deal with these elements, Balban adopted a policy of “Blood and Iron”. Robbers were mercilessy pursued and put to Death.
  • By these Harsh methods, Balban methods, Bablan controlled the situation. Order to impress the people with the strength and awe of his government, Balban maintained a magnificent court. He refused. He refused to laugh and joke in the court, and even gave up drinking wine he insisted on the ceremony of Sijada and Paibos. These and many other ceremonies which he copied were Iranian in Origin and were considered un-Islamic.

Thus, Option D is Correct.

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