Consider the following statements:
1. Guru Nanak was the founder of Sikh Religion.
2. Transformation of Sikhs into a militant, fighting community began under the leadership of Guru Hargobind.
3. Guru Gobind Singh was a contemporary of Aurangzeb and fought against him.
Which of the statement(s) given above is/are correct?
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Consider the following events.
1. Coronation of Harihara-I of Vijayanagara empire
2. Foundation of Bahmani kingdom
3. Arrival of Portuguese in india
4. Death of Firuz tughlaq
What is the correct chronological sequence of these events?
Bombay Plan' during the Indian national movement refers to which of the following?
Consider the following statements and identify the Ancient Indian dynasty:
1. They had a flourishing Roman Trade.
2. The important port towns were Brigukachchaha, Kalyana and Sind.
3. Ujjain, Nasik, Paithan, Pataliputra, Benares were other major trade centers.
4. Trade was badly affected by the Huna Invasions.
Consider the following statements regarding the Sikhism:
1. Guru Nanak advocated Nirgun Bhakti with God having no form or gender.
2. Adi Granth Sahib contains the teaching of only Guru Nanak and Sikh Gurus.
Which of the statement(s) given above is/are correct?
"During his time the Communal Award was announced through which separate communal electorates were set up which led to ending the 'fast unto death' by Gandhiji in Yeravada jail. Also during his tenure, the All India Kisan Sabha and Congress Socialist Party were founded as the socialist trend and the peasant demands reached their highest peak." In the above given passage 'his' refers to which of the following Viceroys?
With reference to the Partition of Bengal consider the following statements. Which of the following statement(s) is/are incorrect?
1. The official reason given for partition of Bengal was that Bengal has become too big to be administered.
2. After the partition of Bengal, Bengali speaking population was in minority in newly created province of Bengal.
3. The real motive of Partition of Bengal was the British desire to make Bengal a centre of Indian nationalism.
Select the correct answer from the code given below.
The philosophy of Sankara expounds which among the following paths?
Who among the following lead a spirited resistance to Mughal ambitions in Deccan during the reign of Jahangir?
Moderates gave economic critique of British rule in India and demanded for economic development of India. Which of the following are the important demands made by moderates for economic development of India?
1. Increase foreign investment in India for development of Indian Economy
2. Increase in import duties to protect and promote Indian Industriesss
3. Reduction in military expenditure
Select the correct answer using code given below.
With reference to agrarian unrest in Pabna district in 1870s, consider the following statements:
1. For the first time peasants demanded uprooting of Zamindari System.
2. It was a violent uprising in which many zamindars were killed.
3. The Government promised to undertake legislation to protect the tenants from zamindari oppression.
Which of the statement(s) given above is/are not correct ?