Consider the following statements
1. Jayadeva was a poet of the 12th century, hailing from today’s Orissa.
2. His Gita Govinda is a work of Sanskrit love poetry and song between Krishna and Radha.
3. The text also elaborates the eight moods, the Ashta Nayika.
4. The first English translation of the Gita Govinda by Sir William Jones in 1792.
Which of the statements given above are correct?
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With reference to the plague in Poona in 1897, consider the following statements:
1. Bal Gangadhar Tilak supported the measures taken by the government to control the plague.
2. Resentment against official plague measures resulted in assassination of Rand and Lt. Ayerst by the Chapekar brothers.
Which of the statement(s) given above is/are correct?
Which statement about Amir Khusrau is not true?
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"Indian Political leaders succeeded in reaching an agreement with the British government, according to which the idea of separate electorates for the Depressed Classes was abandoned, however the seats reserved for them in the provincial legislatures and the Central Legislature were increased." which of the following agreement discussed in the above line?
Consider the followings about ‘Qutubuddin Aibaq’ :
1. Founder of Syyed Dynasty
2. Laid foundation for Char Minar
3. Built ‘ Quwwat-ul-Islam’, ‘Adhai Din Ka Jhonpara’ mosques
4. Died while playing Chaugan(Polo)
Which of the statements given above are correct?
Which of the following statement(s) is/are correct about the Zamindari settlement system?
1. Zamindar was recognized as the owner of land.
2. Zamindar was responsible for the payment of land revenue.
3. It was prevelant in the majority of total area under British India.
Select the correct answer using the code given below.
Consider the following statements regarding activities of Indians abroad during freedom struggle:
1. Some leaders of freedom struggle went abroad because they wanted to publish revolutionary literature.
2. Some revolutionaries went abroad to gather arms to fight against British rule in India.
3. Annie Besant started Indian Home Rule Society in London.
Which of statements given above are correct?
Which among the following is not correctly matched?
Which of the following is correct regarding Cunningham Circular?
Which one of the following statements is not correct?