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The pole star indicates which direction?
As one moves from the polar region towards equator the diversity of plant and animal species .
Read the following statements carefully about interior of the Earth:
1. Asthenosphere is considered as source region of Mid-Oceanic Ridge Basalt.
2. Lower Mantle of the Earth’s surface is involved in plate tectonic movement and isostatic adjustments.
3. Oxygen is the most abundant element in the Earth’s crust.
Choose the correct answer using codes given below:
Extensive deserts occur in the western tropical regions of continents because:
El Nino occurs over:
The topography of plateau is ideal for:
Taiga means:
Which of the followingis called the twin of the earth?
The only planet whose period of rotation is longer than the period of revolution around the sun?
Match the following:
Mountain Continent
1. Mount Etna a. Asia
2. Mount K2 b. Africa
3. Mount Kilimanjaro c. Europe