GS History Modern India

With reference to The Vernacular Press Act of 1878, consider the following statements:

1. It abolished the policy of discrimination between English and vernacular press.

2. A Press Commissioner was appointed to supply authentic and accurate news to the press.

3. The District magistrate was empowered to call upon the printer of any vernacular newspaper to enter into a bond with the Government.

Which of the statement(s) given above is/are correct?

  • Earlier, the newspapers were being published in Calcutta, Madras, Bombay, Allahabad only but later the newspapers started getting published from smaller places also. Since, most of the newspapers were published from smaller places, they all were in vernacular languages. In 1878, when this act was passed, the number of English Newspapers was 20 and Vernacular newspapers were 200. These vernacular newspapers made the people aware of the political affairs and now the people slowly started asking questions for their rights. So, in the best interest of the Government, Lord Lytton passed the Vernacular Press Act in 1878. The Vernacular Press Act (VPA) was designed to 'better control' the vernacular press and effectively punish and repress seditious writing. The provisions of the Act included the following:
  • The district magistrate was empowered to call upon the printer and publisher of any vernacular newspaper to enter into a bond with the Government undertaking not to cause disaffection against the Government or antipathy between persons of different religions, caste, race through published material; the printer and publisher could also be required to deposit security which could be forfeited if the regulations were contravened, and press equipment could be seized if the offence reoccurred.
  • The magistrate's action was final and no appeal could be made in a court of law.
  • A vernacular newspaper could get exemption from the operation of the Act by submitting proofs to a government censor. The Act came to be nicknamed as "the Gagging Act".

The Act was criticized for the following features:

  • Discrimination between English and vernacular press,
  • No right of appeal.

Thus, Option C is Correct.

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