GS History Modern India

Consider the following statements.

1. M.A. Jinnah was one of the founding members of Muslim League

2. In the 1930s, idea of separate nation-state (Pakistan) was first conceived by M.A. Jinnah

Which of the following statement(s) is/are correct?


Statement 1 is incorrect. Initially M. A. Jinnah avoided the All India Muslim League, because it was too much orthodox. It was in 1913, when he joined the Muslim League and became its president in the Lucknow session of 1916. In 1906, the All-India Muslim League was founded at Dhaka by a lobby of big Zamindars, ex-bureaucrats, and upper class Muslims. Aga Khan III was its first Honorary President.

Statement 2 is incorrect. The Allahabad Address is a speech by Pakistani scholar Sir Muhammad Iqbal. It was delivered by Iqbal during the 25th annual session of the All-India Muslim League, at Allahabad, British India. In this address Iqbal outlined a vision of an independent state for Muslim-majority provinces in northwestern India, thus becoming the first politician to articulate what would become known as the Two-nation theory—that Muslims are a distinct nation and thus deserve political independence from other regions and communities of India.

Thus, Option D is Correct.

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